Finding out per process Swap usage

In this post, I will share with you useful shell script to find per process swap usage on your system.


for pid in `ls /proc | grep "[[:digit:]]"| sort -n`
    if [[ "$pid" -gt "0" && -f "/proc/$pid/status" ]]; then
        pname=`cat /proc/$pid/status|awk -F"Name:" '{print $2}'`
        swap_usage=`cat /proc/$pid/smaps | awk 'BEGIN{total=0}/^Swap:/{total+=$2}END{print total}'`
        echo "$pname($pid): $swap_usage KB"
        total_swap=$((total_swap + swap_usage))
echo "Total Swap: $total_swap Kb"

Method -2

cat /proc/{pid}/status|awk '/VmSwap:/{print $2 " " $3}'

Finding Out Memory Usage without adding shared memory (non-shared): smem utility.

  • Unshared memory is reported as the USS (Unique Set Size).
  • The unshared memory (USS) plus a process’s proportion of shared memory is reported as the PSS (Proportional Set Size)
  • The USS and PSS only __include physical memory usage. They do not include memory that has been swapped out to disk
#add epel-release repo.
yum install smem
[root@rhce ~]#  smem -u ansible
User     Count     Swap      USS      PSS      RSS
nobody       1      184        0        2       92
colord       1     1544        4        5      192
libstoragemgmt     1      116       40       40       60
rtkit        1      184       48       48      140
avahi        2      448      152      170      448
postfix      2     1900      168      171      420
haproxy      2     2732      264      305      560
dbus         1      432     1980     2010     2364
polkitd      1    10904     2780     2897     3856
root        53   146564    97156   101862   119260
ansible     64   413824   477768   481342   501392

Finding out memory statistics as percentage.

[root@rhce ~]# smem -w -p
Area                           Used      Cache   Noncache
firmware/hardware             0.00%      0.00%      0.00%
kernel image                  0.00%      0.00%      0.00%
kernel dynamic memory        30.13%     10.81%     19.31%
userspace memory             58.54%      3.20%     55.33%
free memory                  11.34%     11.34%      0.00%

Show totals and percentage:

 PID User     Command                         Swap      USS      PSS      RSS
77794 ansible  /usr/libexec/gnome-terminal    0.84%    0.23%    0.23%    0.26%
72241 root     /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n          1.13%    0.26%    0.28%    0.33%
  678 polkitd  /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd -    0.69%    0.29%    0.30%    0.40%
 5688 ansible  /usr/libexec/gnome-settings    0.42%    0.32%    0.33%    0.44%
    1 root     /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --    0.07%    0.36%    0.37%    0.41%
 5919 ansible  /usr/libexec/tracker-store     0.50%    0.45%    0.45%    0.47%
 5827 ansible  /usr/libexec/caribou           0.16%    0.65%    0.65%    0.68%
78786 ansible  evince                         0.00%    0.78%    0.80%    0.85%
78818 ansible  eog                            0.00%    0.83%    0.83%    0.85%
 5900 ansible  nautilus --no-default-windo    0.27%    0.89%    0.92%    0.98%
81293 root     python /bin/smem -t -p         0.00%    1.03%    1.07%    1.16%
78686 ansible  /usr/lib64/libreoffice/prog    4.10%    3.40%    3.41%    3.45%
78843 ansible  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-ope    0.00%    4.97%    5.03%    5.12%
 1452 root     /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -backgroun    2.21%    5.93%    6.13%    6.34%
78519 ansible  /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox     2.02%   10.02%   10.03%   10.12%
 5733 ansible  /usr/bin/gnome-shell           8.21%   24.20%   24.25%   24.41%
  130 11                                     36.78%   58.20%   59.07%   63.11%

Show as  a Chart: To show as  a chart you have to install matpilotlib package.

yum install python-matplotlib.x86_64

Plotting specific process:

smem --userfilter="haproxy" --bar name -c"pss rss"
[root@rhce ~]# pidof haproxy
76708 76706

Plotting Swap usage:

smem  --processfilter="gnome-shell" --bar name -c "pss uss swap"

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